Empowering Success: 3 Coaching Strategies to Boost Self-Efficacy

In our journey towards success, the questions we ask ourselves hold immense power. As a coach, it is my mission to guide individuals in reframing these questions, unlocking new perspectives and pathways to achievement. Rather than pondering, "What does leadership development look like as an HR Vice President?" we pivot to, "What actionable steps can propel me to my next role within the company?"

Similarly, a sales leader's struggle to balance work and family shifts from, "How do I manage overtime versus family time?" to a more insightful query, "Will the financial gains from working overtime justify time away from my loved ones?"

While strategies like goal setting and resource prioritization are vital, the true catalyst for growth lies in self-reflection and actionable change. Self-efficacy—the belief in one's abilities—is a cornerstone of success, backed by research indicating its positive impact on performance and well-being.

A study in the Consulting Psychology Journal unveils three coaching strategies to bolster self-efficacy:

  1. Invest Time: The duration of the coaching relationship directly correlates with increased confidence. As a coach, recognizing and celebrating each stride toward the coaching objective fuels the individual's self-assurance.

  2. Verbalize Confidence: Vocalizing belief in oneself amplifies the likelihood of goal attainment. Statements like "I've got this" solidify one's resolve, reinforcing their confidence with each verbal commitment.

  3. Ask the Right Questions: Effective coaching hinges on asking questions that prompt self-efficacy statements. While open-ended inquiries foster exploration, suggesting solutions sparks immediate confidence. Providing support also nurtures confidence over time.

When coaching your team, prioritize open-ended questions and supportive guidance. Resist the urge to prescribe solutions; instead, empower individuals to discover their paths to success. By fostering self-belief, you pave the way for greater achievements and fulfillment, both personally and professionally.