Navigating Leadership Challenges: Moving Beyond Advice to Empowerment


In the realm of leadership, providing advice often seems like the obvious path to helping others navigate complex situations. Yet, Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen, authors of "Thanks for the Feedback," shed light on the limitations of advice-giving, emphasizing the need for specificity and context. This raises the question: How can leaders effectively address challenges without merely dispensing advice? Let's explore a more empowering approach that emphasizes understanding, collaboration, and fostering a culture of trust.

Empowering Through Coaching:

Rather than offering quick-fix advice, effective leadership involves coaching individuals to discover their own solutions. Coaching isn't about dictating actions; it's about guiding individuals to unlock their inner wisdom. As Parker Palmer suggests, it's about "pulling out their inner teacher." By refraining from prescribing solutions and instead helping individuals explore their options, leaders empower them to make informed decisions aligned with their unique circumstances.

Understanding Context:

When faced with inquiries about handling leadership dilemmas, it's crucial to resist the temptation to jump to conclusions. Rather than hastily providing answers, take the time to understand the nuanced context surrounding the situation. Delve into the organizational dynamics, team relationships, and external factors shaping the challenge at hand. This deep understanding lays the groundwork for tailored guidance that resonates with the specific needs of the individual and the organization.

Organizational Considerations:

At the organizational level, effective leadership entails aligning team objectives with strategic goals. Reorganization should stem from a clear strategic rationale, driven by shifts in internal or external dynamics. Merely reshuffling teams without addressing underlying issues risks perpetuating dysfunction and escalating costs. Leaders must assess whether the benefits of reorganization outweigh the disruptions it entails, ensuring that organizational integrity remains intact.

Fostering Collaborative Dynamics:

Within teams, fostering a culture of collaboration is paramount. True collaboration isn't about everyone being involved in everything but rather about trusting each other's expertise and contributions. Leaders play a pivotal role in nurturing this culture by fostering trusting relationships and upholding team standards. Encouraging open communication, embracing vulnerability, and instilling confidence in team members create a fertile ground for collaboration to flourish.

Accountability and Conflict Resolution:

In the face of conflict or underperformance, leaders must navigate with finesse. Accountability rests not solely on the individual but on the collective responsibility of the team. Leaders should encourage a culture of peer accountability, where team members hold each other to high standards. Addressing individual shortcomings requires a delicate balance of coaching and mentorship, guided by the overarching goal of fostering growth and improvement.


Navigating leadership challenges demands a departure from conventional advice-giving towards a more nuanced and empowering approach. By embracing coaching, understanding context, and fostering collaborative dynamics, leaders can navigate complexities with confidence and efficacy. Ultimately, it's not about having all the answers but about empowering others to find their own path to success.

Unveiling the Power of Curiosity in Leadership

In the dynamic landscape of leadership, the journey is never static; it's an evolving process fueled by curiosity and a hunger for growth. Reflecting on something like the ingenuity of a child constructing something with LEGO bricks, we glimpse into the essence of leadership—a continual exploration of possibilities, and a relentless quest for improvement.

Leadership, akin to a masterpiece in progress, thrives on curiosity.

Beyond casting a vision and assembling a team, true leadership is about nurturing an insatiable curiosity about oneself, one's team, and the collective objectives. It's about embracing diverse perspectives, understanding how others perceive our leadership, and reveling in the boundless realm of curiosity.


When the intensity wanes, what happens when monotony threatens to overshadow passion? Transitioning from one role to another doesn't guarantee perpetual excitement; monotony can infiltrate any endeavor. Yet, amidst the mundane lies the catalyst for transformation—curiosity.

Acknowledging the mundane as an opportunity for exploration, I discovered a profound truth: curiosity is the antidote to boredom. By reframing tasks as voyages of discovery, the mundane becomes meaningful, and routine becomes rejuvenating.


Transcending personal dissatisfaction, and integrating curiosity into the fabric of leadership revitalizes connections and fosters innovation. Embracing curiosity invites a symbiotic relationship between leaders and their teams, igniting collaborative fervor and unlocking untapped potential. As curiosity permeates, visions align, passions reignite, and the journey becomes a shared odyssey of growth.

So, let curiosity be your compass in leadership. Engage in a perpetual quest for knowledge, delve into the depths of understanding your team, and unearth insights waiting to be discovered. For within the realm of curiosity lies the transformative power to invigorate leadership, reignite passion, and cultivate enduring excellence.

What would it take for you to ignite more curiosity about your team? What can you learn from them? What insights could they offer on any of your current projects that you have not yet thought about?

Rediscovering Purpose: From Frozen Waffles to Fulfillment

As we enter the year's midpoint, it's a natural time to reflect on our experiences thus far and contemplate what lies ahead. This introspection isn't confined to individuals; it resonates across organizations, regardless of their size or structure. This same exercise happens across organizations of every size and business structure.  

During this evaluation and projection, I want to share a story that encapsulates a profound lesson:

Let Them Eat Waffles! 

This seemingly whimsical phrase emerged from a conversation I had with a plant manager a few months back. He oversees the production of electronic components, vital elements that find their way into countless products, from airplanes to household appliances. Yet, he described his role as mundane, almost inconsequential.

This assertion puzzled me. "Mundane?" I echoed. "Did you say grocery store freezers?" The significance of his work dawned on me. As a lover of frozen waffles, I realized the impact his role had on my daily breakfast routine. His loss of vision and passion could potentially disrupt something as seemingly trivial as my morning meal—a thought that stirred me to action.


At the core of this narrative lies the concept of self-actualization, a cornerstone of emotional intelligence. It's about discovering one's purpose and meaning in life, and the relentless pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment. Those who embrace self-actualization find purpose beyond mere occupation; they see their endeavors as contributions to something greater than themselves.

However, many struggle to bridge the gap between what they do and who they are. This disconnection can lead to a sense of purposelessness, overshadowing the significance of their actions.

Who You Serve

It's time to shift our focus from tasks to the people we serve. Whether you're delivering pizzas or managing an entire plant, your role extends beyond its immediate duties. You're nourishing families, fostering social connections, and ensuring essential components reach those who need them.

As leaders, it's imperative to reignite our passion and vision. Our teams rely on us to provide direction and inspiration. By reaffirming the significance of their roles and how they contribute to the greater good, we empower them to rediscover their purpose and drive.


As we embark on this journey of self-reflection and goal-setting, let's remember the lessons of the frozen waffles. Let's strive for self-actualization, finding purpose in our endeavors, and recognizing the impact we have on others. Let's redefine success not by what we do, but by whom we serve.

And in doing so, let's create a ripple effect of fulfillment and inspiration that touches lives far beyond our own.

Unlocking Leadership Excellence: 7 Essential Questions Every Leader Should Reflect On

In the fast-paced world of leadership, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and forget the importance of stepping back to reflect. Yet, purposeful reflection is not just a luxury for leaders; it's a necessity. It's what separates good leaders from truly exceptional ones.

As a leadership coach, I often ask my clients a simple yet profound question: How good are you at spending time in purposeful reflection? The reason for this inquiry is clear: leaders are adept at reflecting on the work in front of them but often neglect critical reflection on the processes that drive that work forward.

Consider this scenario: a leader meticulously reviews the talent in their organization but fails to reflect on their own biases or the overall outcome of their efforts. This lack of introspection can have far-reaching consequences, not only for the leaders themselves but for the entire team.

So, what can leaders do to bridge this gap and cultivate a culture of reflection within their organizations?

It starts with asking the right questions.

Here are seven essential questions every leader should reflect on:

  1. Confirmation Bias: Are you seeking out proof that confirms what you already believe, rather than challenging your assumptions?

  2. Hindsight Bias: Are you relying on outdated information or past mistakes to inform your present decisions?

  3. Gender Bias: Are you unconsciously discriminating against individuals based on gender stereotypes?

  4. Anchoring Bias: Are you allowing past experiences to unfairly influence your perceptions of current situations?

  5. Available Thought Bias: Are you falling into the trap of defending your ideas simply because they were the first to come to mind?

  6. Role Modeling: Do you see yourself as a role model for your team, and are you setting a positive example for them to follow?

  7. Work/Life Balance: Are you unintentionally sending mixed messages about work/life balance by your actions?

Reflecting on these questions isn't just about self-improvement; it's about fostering a more inclusive and effective leadership style. It's about recognizing our own biases and blind spots and taking proactive steps to address them.

As leaders, we owe it to ourselves and our teams to pause, reflect, and strive for excellence in everything we do. So, take some time today or this week to ponder these questions. Challenge yourself to dig deep, confront your biases, and emerge as a stronger, more self-aware leader.

Remember, leadership excellence isn't achieved overnight, but with dedication and reflection, it's well within reach!

Deeper Questions: A Lesson in Listening and Empathy

One ordinary day, my daughter Gretchen sparked a thought-provoking conversation with a simple text message to me. Her inquiry was seemingly straightforward: "If the average person had to choose whether to be bored or stressed, which would they pick?" Little did I know, her question would unravel layers of introspection and self-discovery for me.

Initially, I found myself approaching her question from a narrow perspective, juxtaposing stress with relaxation and boredom with energization. Yet, Gretchen's query challenged me to reconsider these concepts in a new light. It wasn't merely about contrasting states of being; it was about understanding the underlying motivations and preferences of individuals.

In hindsight, I realize that my response missed the mark.

Instead of embracing her curiosity and delving into the heart of her inquiry, I allowed my pride to overshadow genuine connection. My knee-jerk reaction reflected more about my insecurities than it did about empathizing with her perspective.

However, Gretchen's graciousness and patience revealed the true essence of our relationship. Rather than admonishing me for my shortcomings, she offered understanding and insight into her intentions. Her revelations from the exchange shed light on the real question behind her initial inquiry.

This experience served as a profound lesson for me TOO.

It highlighted the importance of active listening and empathy in all communication. Too often, we get caught up in our narratives, failing to truly understand the underlying motivations of those around us.

Moving forward, I am committed to honing my skills in deciphering the question behind the question. Realizing that genuine connection lies in the ability to understand and empathize with others' perspectives, I aspire now to approach every interaction with an open heart and a curious mind.

In the end, it's not just about finding the right answer; it's about fostering meaningful connections built on mutual understanding and empathy. And therein lies the true essence of communication and relationships – a journey of exploration and discovery, guided by empathy and genuine curiosity.

Empowering Success: 3 Coaching Strategies to Boost Self-Efficacy

In our journey towards success, the questions we ask ourselves hold immense power. As a coach, it is my mission to guide individuals in reframing these questions, unlocking new perspectives and pathways to achievement. Rather than pondering, "What does leadership development look like as an HR Vice President?" we pivot to, "What actionable steps can propel me to my next role within the company?"

Similarly, a sales leader's struggle to balance work and family shifts from, "How do I manage overtime versus family time?" to a more insightful query, "Will the financial gains from working overtime justify time away from my loved ones?"

While strategies like goal setting and resource prioritization are vital, the true catalyst for growth lies in self-reflection and actionable change. Self-efficacy—the belief in one's abilities—is a cornerstone of success, backed by research indicating its positive impact on performance and well-being.

A study in the Consulting Psychology Journal unveils three coaching strategies to bolster self-efficacy:

  1. Invest Time: The duration of the coaching relationship directly correlates with increased confidence. As a coach, recognizing and celebrating each stride toward the coaching objective fuels the individual's self-assurance.

  2. Verbalize Confidence: Vocalizing belief in oneself amplifies the likelihood of goal attainment. Statements like "I've got this" solidify one's resolve, reinforcing their confidence with each verbal commitment.

  3. Ask the Right Questions: Effective coaching hinges on asking questions that prompt self-efficacy statements. While open-ended inquiries foster exploration, suggesting solutions sparks immediate confidence. Providing support also nurtures confidence over time.

When coaching your team, prioritize open-ended questions and supportive guidance. Resist the urge to prescribe solutions; instead, empower individuals to discover their paths to success. By fostering self-belief, you pave the way for greater achievements and fulfillment, both personally and professionally.

Team Health: Journey to High Performance and Synergy

A few years ago, I found myself at the helm of a discussion with a high-performing team comprised of industry "top guns." These professionals, with a contact list reaching deep into influential customers, had consistently achieved remarkable results, hitting yearly goals well before the third quarter. However, a crucial realization emerged – true excellence and invincibility arise not just from individual prowess but from the collective health of the team.


Team health, akin to human health, operates on a delicate balance. Just as extreme performance can have detrimental effects on physical health, overemphasizing certain aspects of team performance without considering the holistic system can lead to short-term success and long-term damage.

Reflecting on this concept, I recalled a conversation with a physician friend actively involved with consulting for athletes. He recounted a meeting preparing marathon runners for a race, where 40% of the physician-runners under 55 had heart stents. High performers, regardless of the discipline, must consider all systems contributing to their performance to avoid breakdowns.

My mission, assigned by the organization, was clear – the team needed to recognize themselves as leaders within the organization, requiring self-awareness and self-leadership. This called for double-loop learning, challenging fundamental assumptions and redefining performance.

exploration and advancement

To shift the team's perspective, we explored two ways to encourage learning:

The exploration involved stimulating innovation through exercises like improving listening skills. By listening intensely, the team learned to understand diverse perspectives within the organization, fostering much-needed synergy.

Advancement, on the other hand, focuses on improving existing processes while incorporating innovation. Unhealthy conflict resolution patterns were identified and addressed. Instead of internalizing issues, the team learned to be assertive and flexible in their conflict styles, fostering a healthier and more productive work environment.

As a leader, caring for your team's health is paramount.

Continually exploring and advancing through learning opportunities will not only improve team dynamics but also pave the way for sustained success and organizational synergy.

Unleashing Creativity: A 3-Step Formula for a Productivity Recharge

Question: When was the last time you truly experienced a productivity recharge?

In a society that values knowledge work, creativity is at the heart of what we do. While the term creativity often conjures images of painters and sculptors, it is essential for everyone, including scientists, technologists, and leaders, to recognize and harness their creative potential.

Once, I had a conversation with one of my graduate students who felt overwhelmed and burned out, struggling to complete a research project on time. The realization struck me that more time and effort don't necessarily translate to creativity or effectiveness; they just mean more time and effort.

As knowledge workers, we must admit that there is a limit to how much we can achieve before our minds need a recharge. Athletes understand this concept well—they work hard during peak performance times and then allow their bodies to rest. Similarly, renowned writers like J.R.R. Tolkien and Victor Hugo found inspiration in balancing intense work with rejuvenating activities, things such as long walks.

Margaret Moussa, Maria-Estella Varua, and Matthew Wright's research on knowledge workers emphasizes the importance of self-efficacy and well-being. As leaders, we must ask ourselves whether we can continue treating knowledge workers the same way as traditional productivity workers. Simultaneously, as knowledge workers, we need to question the expectation of cramming more into our days without considering the impact on output quality.

3-STEP Reset Process

Here are three things that I try to do when I feel like I need a productivity reset:

  1. Read. Nothing stimulates productivity like reading. When faced with writer's block, delving into poetry or fiction can reignite creative thinking.

  2. Walk. While exercise is essential, focused workouts may not be the best for generating creative thoughts. A simple walk in nature, basking in the sun, allows creative energy to flow effortlessly.

  3. Phone a Friend. Community and conversation are powerful catalysts for creativity. Engaging with a coach or a coaching group can provide the inspiration needed to fuel the creative process.

So, as leaders and knowledge workers, our focus should shift from merely measuring productivity to practicing self-care. Activities like reading, taking a walk, or participating in our communities contribute to gaining wisdom, ultimately leading to increased productivity as a natural by-product.

In short, I think it is time to step back and prioritize some self-care, and, who knows, a productivity recharge or a creative breakthrough might just be a walk away!

Evaluating Leadership Momentum: Reflections, Trends, and Future Pathways

The holiday period between mid-December and mid-January often sees a lull in new coaching or training engagements. It’s a period I've come to utilize for reflection and planning, a time to ponder on the trajectory of my coaching practice for the upcoming year while working with existing clients and welcoming new ones.

As I stand on the threshold of a new year, pivotal questions arise: How many new clients will I engage with? Who will they be? What shape will my coaching practice take in the months ahead? Contemplating these queries is vital for proactive planning, ensuring a successful journey both for me and my clients.

Beyond client engagements, I dedicate time to scrutinizing the nature of the work I’ve undertaken in the past year. Examining my calendar reveals numerous instances of teaching, training, facilitating, coaching, and content creation. Yet, I confront a challenging query: Is this work still relevant? Is it impactful for those who seek my guidance in fostering leadership within their organizations?

Personal reflection becomes paramount. Analyzing how I allocate my time and comparing it with what truly brings me fulfillment in my professional life is integral. In this pursuit, I borrow from the concept of momentum—an idea not only confined to finance but also applicable to assessing relevance in various domains.

My reflective journaling has led to several observations:

Drawing from a financial newsletter I follow, momentum signifies the tendency for recent performance to persist shortly. Analogous to objects in motion staying in motion, it represents an objective measure for strategizing based on real data rather than impulsive decision-making prompted by fleeting external influences.

Emotional Intelligence Endures: The significance of emotional intelligence remains pivotal in leadership development. Dan Goleman aptly encapsulates this by emphasizing EQ over purely cognitive abilities. Organizations often overlook this crucial aspect while emphasizing skill sets and intelligence.

  1. Relational Empathy Deficit: In our polarized world, understanding diverse perspectives seems to have taken a back seat. Leaders are increasingly entrenched in their viewpoints, neglecting the skill of empathizing and comprehending others' perspectives, causing a rift in ineffective leadership.

  2. Adapting to Ambiguity: Turbulent times necessitate flexibility. Leaders are confronted with ambiguity and change, requiring emotional adaptability and support for their teams amid uncertainty.

  3. Nurturing Talent Connections: The current robust job market underscores the importance for senior leaders to actively engage with and nurture talent within their organizations. This involves more than just assessing returns on investments; it's about fostering connections and understanding the aspirations of the workforce.

I invite you to share your thoughts on these observations or contribute your unique insights about your organization. Let's connect and delve into these observations or explore your perspectives as we embark on the possibilities for next year.

Warm regards,


Having the Courage to Speak Truth to Power in Leadership

in the realm of leadership, a crucial yet daunting task is the ability to communicate truths that challenge the status quo. Henry Kissinger once remarked on the challenge young leaders face when delivering uncomfortable truths to those in positions of authority. This act of 'speaking truth to power' involves presenting contrary information up the hierarchical ladder, often met with potential repercussions that can range from rejection and dismissal to humiliation and isolation.

The weight of this challenge is considerable. Young leaders often find themselves at a crossroads, withholding essential information due to the fear of negative outcomes. However, there exists a significant upside to sharing concealed insights with a leader:

  • Recognition for valuable input

  • Inclusion in decision-making processes

  • Appreciation for displaying courage

  • Acknowledgment of one's contribution

Despite the inherent risk and tension in 'speaking truth to power,' it remains an essential responsibility, influenced by various factors:

  • Organizational culture and its tolerance for information sharing

  • Personal risk tolerance of young leaders

  • The leader's historical response to different opinions

Receptivity of the Leader

The burden of initiating these difficult conversations can be likened to wearing a shirt made of lead. However, the duty lies not solely on the deliverer but also on the receiver—particularly senior leaders—to create an environment conducive to open communication. The senior leadership's ability to foster an atmosphere where individuals feel empowered to share crucial information plays a pivotal role.

In a fast-paced organizational landscape driven by a 'get-it-done-now' culture, the pressure to survive often eclipses the necessity to foster an environment of open dialogue and shared truths. As leaders, it becomes imperative to cultivate a culture and persona that welcomes diverse voices and viewpoints.

5 Actionable steps

Here are five actionable steps for leaders seeking to gather comprehensive information crucial for making well-informed decisions:

  • Slow down your cadence: Rushing through decisions often leads to tunnel vision. Take deliberate pauses, allowing yourself to explore multiple possibilities.

  • Cultivate curiosity: Suspend the need to assert your perspective immediately. Instead, invest effort in understanding others' viewpoints before forming conclusions.

  • Express gratitude: Acknowledge and appreciate inputs, even if they challenge your assumptions. Simple acts of gratitude foster a more inclusive and respectful environment.

  • Reflect: Engage in introspection at the end of each day. Analyze interactions objectively, focusing on understanding motives and responses without defensiveness.

  • Develop your leadership soul: While intelligence and skills are crucial, investing in the inner growth of your leadership persona is equally vital. Explore avenues to nurture and develop your leadership essence.

In navigating the complexities of leadership, embracing the courage to voice uncomfortable truths while fostering an environment that is valuable to such conversations is pivotal. It's in this synergy of openness, reflection, and proactive development that leaders can truly cultivate an atmosphere where every voice is valued and heard.


Select one action from the previously mentioned list and practice it consistently for a week. For instance, consciously express gratitude in every interaction or communication you have. Reflect on how this practice impacts your leadership approach, and share your experiences here.

Empowering Leadership Growth: Supporting Your Boss's Development

In a Leadership 360 interview I did last year, a direct report posed a question that had never been asked in nearly two decades of my coaching career: "How can I help my boss become a better leader?" This unexpected inquiry underscored a profound desire to actively contribute to their supervisor's growth and development.

Confidentiality in my coaching sessions is paramount, yet I sought a way to honor the question without compromising my client's privacy. My response pivoted towards fostering self-awareness, a foundational aspect of leadership growth.

Supporting Your Boss's Development

"I believe the most impactful support you can offer your boss is through fostering their self-awareness," I advised. "If your boss has already highlighted their strengths and areas for improvement, consider gently pointing out moments when those aspects manifest."

Encouraging her to navigate this delicate path of offering feedback, I elaborated with an example: "If your boss has expressed a desire to reduce micromanagement, gently address the behavior at that moment. Help them recognize, without coaching or changing them, when they exhibit such tendencies."

The power of guiding leaders to perceive the change they aspire to make is an invaluable gift.

This experience prompted a broader reflection on our roles in personal development. Instead of solely focusing on our growth, why not explore ways to support others in their journey? Shifting the focus from problem-solving to inspiring awareness of opportunities can spark transformative change.

What about you?

I urge you to consider initiating conversations with your leader about supporting their development. Their response might illuminate new avenues for personal growth and invigorate your self-development journey too. By actively engaging in the growth of those around us, we not only contribute to their success but we may also find newfound inspiration for our personal development.

How can you help your boss grow as a leader today?

Mastering Sustainable Change: 5 Steps for Ongoing Success

In the hustle and bustle of this time of year, with Thanksgiving last week and Christmas and the Holidays ahead, many employees in the United States find themselves approaching performance review time in their professional lives. For over-achievers especially, this period can be filled with anticipation and anxiety. Despite pouring our best efforts into our daily tasks, the outcome we get might not always align with our perceived dedication and hard work.

Achieving recognition as a top performer at your workplace can often feel difficult to achieve, which leads us to a proactive question: "What changes can I make to secure more recognition next year?" However, sustaining change is not just about momentary shifts; it requires a strategic approach for lasting transformation.

Here Is Where We Enter the 5 Steps for Ongoing Success:

  1. Crafting a Long-Term Value Proposition:

    It is crucial to recognize the lasting value of any change. This involves challenging our personal belief systems and understanding the long-term benefits of them, not just the short-term gains.

  2. Experiment with New Behaviors:

    Rather than blindly adopting new behaviors, experimenting with various options allows for more informed decisions. This prevents the need to unlearn and relearn, ensuring the chosen behavior aligns with personal goals.

  3. Embrace New Behaviors Across Diverse Settings:

    Embody and put into action these freshly adopted behaviors in a wide array of situations and environments. Sustainability thrives when new behaviors are practiced in different situations. Adapting new behaviors to diverse scenarios solidifies integration into daily routines.

  4. Establishing Relational Feedback Loops:

    Change does not occur in isolation. Seeking feedback from various relationships provides valuable insights and fosters a supportive environment for habit formation.

  5. Recognizing Milestones and Embracing Achievements:

    Celebrating milestones and acknowledging accomplishments are so important. Whether it is an individual triumph or a shared success, embracing progress significantly strengthens positive change.

Would you like to contribute more strategies for maintaining sustainable change? Feel free to share your insights or experiences in the comments below. Let's start a dialogue to nurture long-term, positive success.

Accountability and Compassion: Growing Together

Back in my youthful days, leafing through books wasn't my usual pastime. Enthralled by basketball, my world centered around watching the sport on TV or shooting hoops whenever I had a spare moment. However, a pivotal shift occurred when I found myself in Mrs. Katobi's fifth-grade class—an experience that fundamentally shaped my views on accountability and learning.

I vividly recall our conversation:

"What brings you joy?" she asked. "Sports. Especially basketball," I replied.

"Fantastic! Find a book about a basketball player and have a book report ready by Monday," she instructed.

“I don’t have any books on basketball players,” I confessed, assuming it would mark the end of our discussion.

"Alright," she said firmly, "I'll speak to your mother about a library visit." And she did.

Instead of hitting the court after school, my mother drove me to our local library. Mrs. Katobi had already alerted the librarian about my quest for a basketball-related book. Amidst the shelves brimming with literary treasures, picking just one amidst that sea of paper seemed daunting.

The librarian, from Peoria Heights Library, inquired, “Who is your favorite basketball player?”

“Wilt the Stilt Chamberlin,” I answered, not expecting to find anything on him and hoping to swiftly return to the court.

To my surprise, she located an autobiography titled 'Wilt: Just Like Any Other 7-Foot Black Millionaire Who Lives Next Door'.

I'll always be grateful to these two women—Mrs. Katobi and the librarian. They understood what I needed, cared enough to set high expectations, and held me accountable while offering support. Mrs. Katobi's initiative to contact my mother and the librarian alleviated obstacles, showcasing genuine care and support.

The Standard was set, accompanied by care and compassion.

the responsibility was now mine.

This scenario resonates with Paul Zak's insights in Harvard Business Review and the Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, highlighting the significance of oxytocin—a powerful neurochemical. Zak emphasizes that people's decisions to engage are voluntary, even in professional settings. Employees consciously choose where they work, driven by environments that promote oxytocin release through care and respect, or seek more affirming spaces elsewhere.

Zak's research underscores oxytocin as the biochemical foundation of the Golden Rule: "If you treat me well, my brain will synthesize oxytocin and motivate me to reciprocate."

I shared Zak's research on Emotional Intelligence with a client, leading to a discussion where accountability intertwined with empathy surfaced. Acknowledging the importance of setting clear goals and holding individuals accountable with care and empathy fosters engagement—this was our mutual understanding.

The story doesn't end there. Completing the book report, I assumed it marked the conclusion. However, Mrs. Katobi surprised us all. "Class," she announced the following week, "I've just read an intriguing report about a towering basketball player. Scott, come up and share what you learned about Wilt the Stilt."

When I finished, the applause echoed.

Zak's research indicates that celebrating success triggers oxytocin surges and the release of dopamine—a reinforcement chemical in the brain. I wonder if Mrs. Katobi knew she was nurturing a lifelong reader at that moment.

Reflecting on this, who at your workplace deserves empathetic acknowledgment? Whose achievements do you plan to celebrate soon?

If someone you know could benefit from contemplating caring accountability, why not share this blog post with them and initiate a discussion?

How Does Risk Impact Your Team's Productivity and Results?

Unlocking the Power of Risk and Understanding 8 Risk Types on Your Team

Do risk and reward go hand in hand, or does reward emerge as an outcome of taking risks? Imagine a scenario within your team where one member is a risk-taker, characterized as 'carefree,' while another is more risk-averse, categorized as 'wary.' Now, the team faces a crucial decision, whether it's about a product launch or structuring a presentation. In this setting, the carefree individual is eager to dive into action, while the wary team member advocates for a more cautious approach.

Team dynamics play a crucial role, and these differing risk preferences can tip the balance or lead to a standstill. Consequently, emotions can run high, and effective communication can become a challenge. The feeling of being stuck often has nothing to do with talent or skill. It stems from the varying risk tolerance of the team members. Risk introduces a unique emotional dimension, akin to the impact of change. Each one of us possesses a distinct risk threshold, and when that threshold is challenged, emotions, anxiety, and fear intensify, influencing our perception of risk in a given situation.

Understanding the 8 Risk Types

  1. Excitable:

    This risk type combines impulsivity and attraction to risk with moments of distress and regret. Excitable people fluctuate between enthusiastic optimism and pessimistic negativity, often responding emotionally to events.

  2. Intense:

    People falling into this category tend to be anxious and worrisome, always expecting the worst. They take decisions personally and can experience intense and drastic mood swings.

  3. Wary:

    Characterized by self-discipline and a focus on risk, wary people are cautious, organized, and prioritize security. They seek predictability and may struggle with making decisions.

  4. Prudent:

    Those in this category exhibit high self-control, preferring established procedures and a prudent, conservative approach. They are cautious and prefer familiarity.

  5. Deliberate:

    Combining calm self-confidence with caution, these deliberate people are well-organized and systematic, balancing risk acceptance with a desire for preparation.

  6. Composed:

    Cool-headed and unemotional, composed individuals remain optimistic and manage stress well. They are not overly impulsive or systematic.

  7. Adventurous:

    Adventurous types combine impulsiveness with fearlessness, often disregarding convention. Their decision-making is influenced by a lack of anxiety and impulsivity.

  8. Carefree:

    Disliking routine and authority, carefree individuals may appear reckless and impulsive. Their objectives may seem vague due to a lack of preparation.

These risk types are derived from the "Compass Risk Type Indicator" by Multi-Health Systems. Using this tool, you can assess the risk types of your team members and gain a comprehensive view of your team's risk profiles. By understanding these risk types, leaders can navigate team dynamics more effectively and leverage the unique risk profiles of each team member.

Nearly every decision involves an element of risk, and various factors influence an individual's willingness to take risks. As leaders, it is essential to be aware of how team members interpret and respond to risk, starting with self-awareness.

So, next time your team faces a decision-making deadlock, consider these risk types and explore whether differences in risk approach could be impacting the team’s productivity and results. Understanding and embracing these differences can be the key to unlocking your team's full potential.

7 Steps to Effective Leadership Coaching

Have you ever felt the itch to start a new project, only to be held back by the fear of the unknown? Perhaps you have watched others dive into the world of social media branding or hesitated for months before considering starting a blog of your own. You're not alone in this struggle.

I vividly recall this type of internal battle when the idea of starting this blog first crossed my mind. For over a year, I grappled with self-doubt and nagging questions: Should I really start blogging? What do I have to say that is worth sharing? What will others think of my thoughts and ideas?

Then, one day, I stumbled upon a podcast by Michael Hyatt, and his words were a game-changer: "Stop thinking about it and start doing it." Those simple, actionable steps he shared gave me the boost of confidence I needed to embark on this journey. And here I am today, years later, reaping the rewards of taking that leap of faith.

It also got me thinking that there are probably many others like me facing similar challenges. Perhaps you are hesitant to step into the world of coaching because you are not sure where to begin. If only there were a clear, step-by-step guide that could instill the confidence you need to get started, right?

That's where my experience comes into play. I reflected on my initial coaching sessions, and I have distilled some core elements that can make every coaching engagement successful. I've outlined these seven steps below to help you kickstart your journey:

7 Steps to Successful Coaching

  1. Begin with an open mind :

    Coaching does not happen in a vacuum. We all bring our biases and preconceptions. But as a coach myself, it is crucial to approach every client with an open mind. See them as whole and healthy individuals. Even if you have received different information from others, focus on what your client is telling you.

  2. Get to know your client:

    Effective coaching begins with understanding your client on a deeper level. Learn about who they are, their life story, what they do, and what they hope to achieve. Consider crafting a set of universal questions that you can apply to any client, and consider using personality assessments for additional insights.

  3. Confirm with the client:

    Validation is key. It is essential that you verify the collected data with your client, ensuring they are confident that you understand their perspective.

  4. Compare the data to a standard:

    Once you and your client agree on the collected data, compare it to an acceptable standard. The client must also agree with this standard. If they do not, the data loses its relevance.

  5. Identify gaps:

    Gaps represent the space between your client's current behavior and the agreed-upon standard. They reveal the difference between where the client is and where they want to be. Discuss these gaps with your client, gathering real-life examples to illustrate them.

  6. Set a plan to close the gaps:

    When crafting a plan with your client, focus on one or two specific actions. This "Stop/Start/Continue" model can be invaluable:

    • What behaviors should they stop?

    • What should they start?

    • What should they continue?

    Don't underestimate the power of 'continue' - often, clients are already doing many things right.

  7. Establish a follow-up date.

    This is where most coaching relationships falter. Set a date for follow-up at the end of each session. It maintains accountability and strengthens the coaching relationship.

Leadership coaching is a valuable skill that helps individuals transform their aspirations into actions. Whether you are a professional coach, a supervisor, or a parent guiding a youth soccer team, these seven steps can make a world of difference in your journey toward success.


Identify someone in your life who could benefit from your coaching style or think about someone you are already coaching.

Reflect on your coaching approach - have you followed all seven steps for a successful coaching relationship? Are there any areas you have missed? And how can these steps help you improve not only your coaching but also your own personal growth?

Share your experiences; let's grow and learn together.

The Essential Role of Leaders: Being Your Team's Lifeline

A few years ago, after a much-needed vacation, I decided to set aside some extra time for writing and research. During this period, my interactions with my coaching and training clients were limited to text and phone conversations. Back then, remote work was not as common as it is now, and this transition was quite a novel experience for me.

About 10 days into this remote working experiment, I noticed something unusual. I was beginning to feel a bit down. It wasn't a full-blown depression, but rather a subtle sense of decline in my overall mood. It felt like I was slowly sinking, and this puzzled me. After all, I had just returned from a relaxing vacation, and I had plenty of meaningful work ahead of me.

But, despite all these positive aspects, there it was—a distinct feeling of not having enough connections to sustain my love for my work.

A lifeline, as defined, is a rope or line used for life-saving, typically thrown to rescue someone in difficulties in water or used by sailors to secure themselves to a boat. Life can throw us into situations that give us a similar feeling of sinking or being stuck. When we lack support to anchor us, we can start to feel alone and hopeless.

From time to time, every one of us needs a lifeline of care and compassion from others.

Understanding Basic Human Psychology

It's widely recognized in the field of psychology that the feeling of isolation can be a key determinant for a wide range of human ailments, from depression to even premature death.

In fact, The Wall Street Journal reported that there are surprisingly few public health initiatives to combat loneliness, despite its status as a health risk "riskier to health and survival than cigarette smoking or obesity."

So, is loneliness a bigger health risk than smoking or being overweight?

If loneliness indeed poses a greater health risk than smoking or obesity, it becomes a matter that leaders should pay much closer attention to. Are there individuals within our sphere of influence who desperately need a lifeline?

The Impact on Leadership

In a revealing study published in October 2017 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, researchers delved into the impacts and categories of social contact, or the lack thereof, that might predict clinical depression. Their findings were illuminating.

They studied over 11,000 people over the age of 50 and found that only face-to-face interaction forestalled depression in older adults. Phone calls made a difference for those with a history of mood disorders but not for others. Surprisingly, email and text messages had no impact at all.

The lifeline that people need, according to this study, is face-to-face interaction.

What Can Leaders Do to Be Part of the Solution?

As leaders, we hold a unique position of influence and responsibility. We can be intentional in providing the lifeline of care and compassion that others may desperately need. Here's how we can adapt a list of steps from, designed to prevent depression, to leader-follower interactions:

  • Become Attuned to Stress: Understand what stress looks like for those on your team. Learn to recognize early signs and be proactive in addressing them.

  • Regular Team Meetings: Schedule regular meetings with your team members, ideally every 1-2 weeks, or as often as possible, taking appropriate COVID precautions. Prioritize these meetings to foster connections and open communication.

  • Listen and Ask Questions: In your interactions with your team, spend most of your time listening and asking questions rather than immediately jumping into "solve mode." Your genuine interest in their well-being can serve as a lifeline of support.

  • Face-to-Face Interaction: Whenever possible, meet with your team members in person. If not feasible, use video chat options like FaceTime or Zoom to maintain a more personal connection.

  • Boost Confidence: Give your team members assurances that you believe in them and their capabilities. Building their self-esteem can be a powerful form of support.

  • Learning from Mistakes: Foster a culture that encourages learning from mistakes. Let your team know that setbacks are part of the journey, and it's an opportunity for growth.

  • Spot Check-Ins: During times of high stress, perform spot check-ins with your team members to ensure they are coping well and provide additional support if needed.

  • Early Support: If a team member seems down or faces challenges, ask about it early. Your proactive approach can be the lifeline they require.

  • Mini-Sabbaticals: Consider offering frequent mini-sabbaticals as a way to rejuvenate and recharge your team's spirit.

How often are you connecting with those you lead? How intentional are you in making connections? Who on your team appears to be struggling and could use the reassurance that you believe in them?

Your lifeline of care and compassion might be precisely what's needed to help your team reach its peak performance. In leadership, as in life, genuine connections and support can make all the difference.

Here Is Some Advice That You Can Use..Or Not

From time to time I receive questions from readers asking for advice on how to handle certain leadership situations. One thing you have to know is that I am not big on giving advice. To be able to advise, I think you need a lot of details on the situation the person finds themselves in. There are usually so many details that could sway something one way or another.

Douglas Stone and Sheila Henn in Thanks for the Feedback say that the problem with advice is that it is not specific enough. We tend to give some sage comments without giving enough detail to implement them. Or, we are such experts in something we assume that everyone knows our jargon. For example, “When you deliver your presentation make sure it stands out.” This is interesting, but what does “stand out” even mean?

The other thing that makes advice hard is that when I give it I now own the result. Since it was my idea, it is in some way on me if it doesn’t work. It doesn’t matter if the person didn’t follow my advice the way I laid it out, or if they took some of it, but not all of it. The advice didn’t work and I am in some way responsible. That is usually why I prefer to coach and help people find options that seem reasonable and doable for them to try versus just giving advice.

One thing I had to learn as I was growing as an executive coach, mostly the hard way, is that while coaching is in some respects about helping people solve problems, it is far from telling them what to do. It is more about what Parker Palmer calls “pulling out their inner teacher.” Helping them see options and then supporting the options they choose is, to me, more of what coaching is about.

So, when I get a question from a reader seeking advice, I usually will read it and ponder it for a week or more. I am not thinking about what the person should do in the situation described, or what I would do if I were them. Instead, my thoughts usually turn more to trying to understand the context of the situation they might be in and then coming up with some general guidelines or options they could choose.

With that in mind, I did receive a fantastic question from someone who has read this blog for years.

The Question

“How do leaders know when to intervene in order to promote better collaboration and stop the group in-fighting versus just reorganizing the department? Is there a tipping point where a simple intervention can help to resolve the issue rather than incur an expensive reorganization?”

My Thoughts

As pondered this question, I really saw two very distinct ideas emerging. The first is organizational and the second has to do with how teams function.

The organizational aspect has to do with the needs of the organization and strategically how the group is put together to meet the needs of the organization, while the team function is more about the relationships amongst the members of the group. I want to tackle these areas independently, and then bring them together for you.

The Organization

Teams are formed to meet a specific need that the organization has realized. Teams of people come together in an organized fashion to accomplish a specific set of goals or tasks. They can also come together as change agents. This allows them to move the organization from an old set of objectives to new goals that move it closer to completing its mission and making the vision a reality.

As I step back and think about the question above, if I am going to reorganize a department, then there needs to be a strategic reason. There will likely have been some change, either internally, like a new or redefined mission, or externally, like a shift in customer demands. This type of change to reorganize will be driven by forces external to the team. Something has happened that causes what the team is doing to not be as valuable to the organization. Rather than dismantle the team completely (reorganize), the team is given a new set of goals and objectives that match the external reality.

Reorganizations are chaotic, emotional, and expensive. The external pressures being experienced need to be greater than the emotional and financial cost to reorganize. Reorganizing dysfunctional people on a team only sends the dysfunction to another part of the organization. Dysfunctional people in an organization have attitudes and behaviors that are destructive and if left to their own devices will have a very bad effect on the organization. Just because an organization can afford to do it doesn’t mean that is the right thing to do.

The Relationships of the Team

If teams are not functioning well, a leader or coach has to be able to step into this moment. It takes both personal courage and a mindset that the needs of the organization outweigh any personal agendas that might exist. The leader must have the courage to call out behaviors that are not conducive to good team functioning.

General Stanley McChrystal, in his book Team of Teams, writes that “superteams” are able to construct a strong lattice of trusting relationships. He makes the point that in a true team environment, the leader needs to be less concerned with hierarchy and command; what their position is, and telling individuals what to do, and more concerned with ensuring that trusting relationships are forming so that there is a supportive network to perform.

Trust amongst team members is ensuring people are comfortable being vulnerable about weaknesses, mistakes, fears, and behaviors without fear of reprisal. So, if someone doesn’t know something, they are not judged for the lack of knowledge, but supported in getting the knowledge they need. A teammate should feel a sense of confidence to admit a weakness and have someone on the team come alongside them and say something like “Here, let me help you with that.”

There are three things I find vital for a team to be able to trust each other:

  1. Cultural Integrity - As a group, we are always going to do the right thing. If someone on the team is being mean, as a team we are going to go to the person and let them know that this is not how our team behaves. We want to have them on the team, but the culture here is one of kindness and respect. Integrity matters always.

  2. Comfort with Vulnerability - Teammates have to be willing to admit their weaknesses and mistakes and can never be penalized or punished when they do. If you are a person who avoids conflict, you should be able to admit this to your team and they need to come alongside and help you get better at this. The team has to believe in you and that you can help them improve. It all starts with a culture of realizing we are all human and we all fall short somewhere.

  3. Confidence in the Members - No single one of us holds all the answers. Teams have to believe in the mission and have confidence in each other to tackle whatever is put before them. As individual humans, we crave safety and security. Taking risks is not always a safe feeling. This is the value of the team. As an individual, my need is for safety. The team is there to support each other to take risks and achieve much more than an individual ever could. High-performing teams have confidence in each other.

Back to the question at hand. I would argue that one of the main purposes of the leader of a team is to foster a culture of collaboration that leads to results. Not a collaboration so that every person touches everything, but trusting each other enough to know I don’t have to touch something if you are.

The leader is the person accountable if someone is not living up to the team charter of expectations. The leader should rally the team to their responsibility of pulling that person back in line. If the team won’t do it, then the leader has two jobs. One is with the team to create a culture of team discipline, and the other is with the person who is not living up to team standards by coaching them individually.

My position is that if there is a group in conflict, then the leader is accountable. Maybe if there has to be a reorganization because of this very non-strategic reason, it should come out of the leader’s bonus.

What about you? What advice would you share in response to this very interesting question? Is this advice you can use, or not? I would love your input. Thank you, Jenny, for helping us all think.

Patience: A Strategy for Getting Unstuck

Years ago, I worked with a business leader who had an incredible vision for his organization. He was a passionate leader with excellent communication skills and so much energy for his mission. He was intellectually and morally solid and cared deeply for the people in his organization.

But He Was Stuck.

His organization just could not grow the business past a certain industry-standard metric. However, the stagnation issue became evident as we looked over some feedback provided by his peers. One of the interview questions I ask the peers of my clients (as a routine part of my data gathering) is, "What is the vision this leader has for the organization?" After several interviews, the collective response was, “The vision is very clear, but we have no idea what steps we need to take to get started. It is like he has been dreaming of this his entire life and we are just catching it for the first time."

As I presented this feedback to the leader and we went over the data together, his knee-jerk reaction was: “We don’t have time to wait for them to process this. The time is now! They need to get on board or get out of the way. We are going to miss our opportunity. The timing is just right!"

So I asked him, “Is it their lack of urgency, or could it be something else?”

After thinking it over with him for a while, we discovered that there was not a lack of urgency on the part of the organization. There was, however, a lack of emotional connection between the leader and his team. The urgency that the leader was feeling for vision implementation and change was being offset by his lack of emotional connection and patience. People in organizations need time to absorb, process, and own the vision themselves. They need patience.

Patience is devoting the appropriate time and attention to others in ways that enhance meaningful interaction.

Patience is suspending your personal needs for satisfaction and action.

Patience seeks to slow down fast-paced exchanges with others in order to facilitate better decision-making.

Patience is not racing ahead in the thought process while missing information that others are endeavoring to share.

Patience is not wasting opportunities to encourage, inspire, and motivate others.

In leadership development, it is always important to keep your perspective on a leader who is not connecting emotionally with his team. Without this emotional connection, it is virtually impossible to have the social intelligence needed to achieve organizational effectiveness.

There are a number of reasons a follower may choose to align with a leader. Fully committing to the vision of the leader is a quintessential desire that followers have. What they receive in return for committing to the vision of the leader is an emotional connection with that leader.

In our case study above, the leader has a choice. He can either move forward with his urgency and risk losing his entire vision. Or, he can proactively slow down and take the time to encourage, inspire, and motivate his people. By embracing patience and connecting emotionally with his team, he can catapult the vision to the next level with everyone on board.

How are you connecting emotionally with your team? I’d love to hear your comments.

Have a Longer and More Successful Leadership Life

One of my clients had a profound impact on me at a certain time in my life. What I heard him say is:

"Scott I realized that I have to take care of myself. I am at my best when I am taking care of myself. I decided that I am going to do yoga when I get up in the morning, and I am going to exercise at noon. I am also going to be conscious of my diet and make good choices about what goes into my body."

When I probed for the reason for the changes, he continued,

"There has been a lot of negativity in my life recently, and I am just not going to allow it to get me down any longer. I am going to choose the leader I want to be and not be a victim of circumstance."

Absolutely Profound

According to the National Wellness Institute, wellness is "an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward a more successful existence."

Four Things to Notice About Wellness:

  1. It is an active process. It is something you have to devote energy to making happen. It is intentional on your part as a leader.

  2. It starts with self-awareness. Are you aware of the moment when health choices present themselves?

  3. Wellness is a choice. You decide to be well in the moment, or you become a victim of your circumstance.

  4. There is an end game: a successful existence. This is your life, and you only get one. Why not make it the very best that it can be?

The National Wellness Institute describes six different dimensions for us to consider as we examine our own well-being:

  1. Emotional

  2. Occupational

  3. Physical

  4. Social

  5. Intellectual

  6. Spiritual

This week I want to focus on your emotional well-being as a leader.

The Story

One of my favorite authors is Martin Seligman. As a past president of the American Psychological Association, he has credibility from a research standpoint that is really meaningful to me. In addition, Martin is a gifted storyteller who can weave a story together and then bring home a point that has a real impact and causes me to pause and examine my own life.

One of my favorite stories that Martin tells us in his book Authentic Happiness. He details the stories of two of 180 nuns who are the subjects of an impactful and noteworthy study on longevity and happiness. If you want all of the details, you must read the book. Here is the bottom line:

  • 90% of the most cheerful 25% of the nuns were alive at age 85 vs. only 34% of the least cheerful 25%.

  • 54% of the most cheerful quarter was alive at age 94, as opposed to only 11% of the least cheerful.

Studies of longevity are admittedly dicey and very complex from a pure science standpoint. Causality is extremely difficult to make a case for. However, one of the reasons this study is so impactful is that nuns lead very similar lives. They eat similar food, they don’t smoke or drink alcohol, and they have similar routines. Sure there are some other differences that could account for the results, like:

  • Different levels of intellect

  • Different depths of spirituality

  • Different outlooks about the future

However, none of these criteria in the research made any difference. The thing that Seligman points out that made a difference in the longevity of the nuns was the number of positive feelings expressed. If longevity is at least one measure of successful existence, then the positive outlook you have on life definitely matters.

Happiness and Emotional Intelligence

In the Emotional Intelligence training I do as a part of my consulting, one of the attributes we measure is that of happiness or well-being. In the model we use, there are four factors that can comprise someone’s well-being:

  1. Self-Regard: Believing in yourself and living according to your values.

  2. Self-Actualization: A willingness to learn and grow in accordance with your values.

  3. Interpersonal Relationships: Engaging in mutually satisfying relationships.

  4. Optimism: The ability to respond, recover, and claim a happy state from disappointments and setbacks in life.

Here are two important considerations as you evaluate your own level of well-being:

The first is that you display as many of these four attributes as you can. Believe in yourself and live according to your values. Learn and grow in areas that really matter to you. Have friends and ensure that there is reciprocity. Realize that things are not always going to go your way. It isn’t a case of whether or not you are going to have a setback in life, it is when. What counts is how you respond to it.

The second is that you have a balance between these attributes. For example, you want to make sure that your self-regard is balanced with your interpersonal relationships. If you have a high level of self-regard and low levels of interpersonal relationships, you could come across as prideful and in it for yourself. If you have low levels of self-regard and high interpersonal relationships, then you could come across as needy and not fun to be around.

As you think about the successful life you want to live as a leader, are you choosing to maximize and balance the four attributes of emotional health above?


Rate yourself on a scale from one (low) to 10 (high) on each of the four attributes of well-being above. Are you maximizing each attribute? Are all four of the attributes in balance with each other? As you reflect on these, what changes would you need to make to live a longer and more successful life?

A Surprising Thing About Coaching

Surprise is an interesting emotion. Unlike disgust, which carries a negative theme, or happiness, which emotes a positive feeling.  Surprise is an emotion that can go either way, positive or negative, and can also shift from negative to positive in the blink of an eye.

Here is an example:

“Surprise, you are getting a raise!” Unexpected and positive. How fun!

“Surprise, we are downsizing and your services are no longer needed.” Unexpected and negative. Not so much fun.

I can even recall when my wife Kim told me we were going to have our third child around over 30 years ago… ”Surprise, I am pregnant!” I think those were her words. 

“Holy Crap!” This was unexpected and I had a feeling of fear, replaced in a nanosecond by a feeling of overwhelming joy. Then, “Really, that is amazing!” followed by an unexplainable feeling of love and closeness with my spouse.

Surprise has a way of intensifying our other emotions

According to Ingred Fatell Lee, author of the book Joyful: The Surprising Power Of Ordinary Things To Create Extraordinary Happiness, the element of surprise acts like a magnifying glass for joy by giving the tiny pleasure heightened significance.

Surprise is one of the six primary emotions identified by psychologist Paul Ekman and is necessary for a human because it can quickly divert our attention from one thing to another. Surprise is a kind of warning signal to say “Hey, pay attention to this new thing, that other thing you were concentrating on needs to be unprioritized, and this new thing needs some focus.”

Surprise ranges in intensity from amazement to a mild distraction.  

I Was Surprised

I once had a conversation with a friend who was trying to get a better idea of what my coaching business was all about. “Tell me what you do again?” he asked.

“In a nutshell, I help people get an idea of what their leadership looks like,” I told him.  “By using some assessments, and interviewing people they interact with, I give them a mosaic of what their leadership looks like. I then come alongside them and help them make any changes they see in their approach.”

“And they pay you for that?” He said to me, rather surprised!  “Sounds like you get paid to be people’s friend.”

Interestingly, I had just read an interesting and quite provocative article by Christopher Shelly titled “A Friend Officiated Our Wedding And Now My Husband’s Dead.” (Isn’t that title a bit surprising?) Here is a link to the article if you are interested: A Friend Officiated Our Wedding And Now My Husband’s Dead.

To save money this couple….

  • Hired a friend to officiate their wedding. It is a disaster, but they saved money.

  • Hired a friend to cater the reception. It is a disaster, but they saved money.

  • Hired a friend to fix the transmission in their car. It is a disaster but they saved money.

  • Hired a friend to do open heart surgery on her new husband….

I think you can see where this is going.

I once heard Dave Ramsey, the author of Total Money Makeover, say, “If you own a $200 car then you can afford to try and fix it yourself. If you own a $20,000 car then you probably should have a professional work on it.”

Like this, can you coach people in your own organization? Sure you can! And I would even argue that a culture of coaching in an organization is a very positive thing.  Don’t be surprised. When you need a professional, hire one.